I was asked to make a cot quilt for a friend of a friend that is due in a couple of weeks time. The couple don't know the sex of the baby so I didn't have a brief for the colour. I didn't want the quilt to be overly fussy so that it would fit with the parents choice of Nursery colours.
I wanted to make it personal to them and the Daddy of the new baby is representing Great Britain at the Olympics this year so I chose to make one of the panels a Union Jack Flag.
Unfortunately I didn't take the best photo as I was dashing out of the door to give it to my friend when I remembered.
The quilt has been given to the couple and they are over the moon with it, phoning people to tell them. I love what I do for the reason to make people smile.
Thanks for hopping by
That's a lovely idea with the Union Jack - that way it will be a memento for this year for both Dad & child. A really lovely gift & so utterly personal.
Paula (PEP)
That is such a beautifull gift, I'm not surprised they love it.
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