Monday 14 July 2014

An Alter Cloth for our Local Church

I was asked to help with a project at school and agreed as 8 children had the opportunity to make an Alter Cloth for a local Churches 75th Anniversary.
Quickly it became apparent how big project it was. We worked with a local artist who taught the girls and myself many techniques over four weeks.
The girls were told the brief and the ideas for the cloth were theirs. They chose the local landmarks and people of the community that are important to them.
It was a lot of work but seeing it hung in the church and seeing the Vicars face trying to take in all the details was such a memorable moment.

Last Sunday I attended the Church for a special service by the Arch Bishop of York ( a wonderful and very funny man).

Thanks for stopping by

1 comment:

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

What a stunning project Debbie, well done to you and the girls it's amazing. I love the scene and the bright colours used.

Sue xx