In 2012 I intend to stay positive with whatever comes my way and continue to enjoy the small things in life.
In February I made this tag for a friend at work who was having a rough time, it's still on the wall behind her desk.
March is my birthday and I've gotten very good at dodging the camera.
I made my bestest friend a mirror as a Xmas present. Her friends 5 year old fell in love with it so I made her a fairy one for her birthday.
In April we had visitors. The school behind our house has been demolished and rebuilt. There was a pond in the quadrangle and the ducks nested there during the night. I wonder if they'll visit in 2012.
In May we met up with Amy in Manchester and went to see Calender Girls.
I made this cupcake card for my friends daughter.
In June I attended a workshop where I made cushion, loved the workshop and learned so much.
I made a tiny quilt for a friends Granddaughter. She'd bought her the Princess and the Peas book and bed but it didn't have a quilt.
July a couple of days away in Scotland and a 100 wedding invitations for a friend at work.
We had a fab family day out at Beamish. It brought back wonderful childhood memories and the weather was lovely.
In August we had holiday in Keswick and this is my favourite photo from our week .
My DS collect his A level results,

I love the serenity of this photo, I sat by the lake an hour and a half.
In September my DH started a photography course. He thinks all photos need to be printed at A3 size.He's spent hours playing happily changing the colours etc.
October started with good intention. My samples were done and sent off to Chocolate Baroque. The fragments stamps are so useful and the steampunk xmas stamps I'll use again and again.
November was patchwork with paper and fabric. I had been asked to make a quilt for a baby girls cot.
One of the very few Christmas cards I made. (Will try better next year)
December all ways is so busy with card making, buying presents, costume making and my daughters birthday. Amy and her brother having fun. This year she turned 21 and we celebrated with cupcakes.

This is a Daisy Trail page of Amy and Archie. The photo was taken during the summer when we had a few sunny days.

I wish you Health, happiness and a little wealth.
Hi Debbie, happy new year to you and yours. It's nice to have your year set out in pics and you keep some lovely memories.
Take care.
Love Judith
Happy New Year Debbie, love your look back on 2011. Hope you have as memorable 2012
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