I read about this event via a friend on FB earlier this week and felt it is a wonderful idea for fund raising and highlighting the plight of the girls who have been kidnapped.
Please go over to the auction and view the wonderful artwork donated by very talented and creative people.
This is a list of the Artists web pages/blogs who are involved in the Auction.
Jessica Sporn http://jessicasporn.blogspot.com
Linda Kittmer http://lindakittmer.blogspot.ca
Ronda Palazzari http://rondapalazzari.typepad.com
Marjie Kemper http://www.marjiekemper.com
Judy Shea http://thekeytomyart.wordpress.com
Glenda Hogland http://pilgrimsthoughts.blogspot.com
Astrid Maclean http://astridsartisticefforts.blogspot.com
Lisa Pace http://lisapace.com
Jackie Neal http://creatingwithoutcrayons-jackiepneal.com
Claudine Criner http://claudinesartcorner.blogspot.com
France Papillon http://www.france-papillon.com
Kristin Van Valkenburgh http://TwinkleTwinkleLikeAStar.blogspot.com
Marcia Beckett http://marciabeckett.blogspot.com
Ruth Levy http://lerusho.wordpress.com/
Sally Lynn MacDonald http://www.SallyLynnMacDonald.com
Renee Zarate http://renee-boltonhouse.blogspot.com
Natasha May http://natashamay.blogspot.com/
Carmen Whitehead http://www.serendipitystudiobycw.blogspot.com/
Seth Apter http://thealteredpage.blogspot.com/
Marybeth Shaw http://mbshaw.blogspot.com/
Amy Ingardia-Walker http://creativelyquirkyathome.blogspot.com/
Kelly Warren http://happyshackdesigns.blogspot.com
Julie Bernier http://juliebernierphotography.zenfolio.com/
Adrienne Hoban http://www.allure-decor.com/
Krista van Tol http://craftylittlepigtails.blogspot.com
Cheryl Grigsby http://cherylspaperartz.blogspot.com
Jill Meyer www.jillmeyer.com
Lisa Flaherty http://mypeaceofpaper.blogspot.com
Kerry C. Mitchell http://kerrycmitchell.com
The reason I wanted to be involved in a small way is...
Girls everywhere deserve access to education. But it’s a fundamental human right of every girl to be safe from harm.
Thank you for visiting
1 comment:
Thank you Debbie for sharing
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