Monday, 10 June 2013

A bit of baking

I love to bake not to be confused with cooking meals. I often think my style would be likened to Cher in the film Mermaid where she fed her children with lots of finger, buffet like food.

I love this film it is a lovely story.

A few weeks ago I was asked to make a birthday cake for a friends 10th birthday, I was so pleased to be asked again as I made her 9th birthday cake. Here are the photos of my efforts.

I've just finished another batch for work tomorrow as I'm helping raise money for a friend who's going to Africa.

Thank you for visiting



Paula (PEP) said...

This looks more like a lot of baking to me......... love the little butterfly cakes.
Paula (PEP)

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Wow it's too beautiful to eat ! (well almost as it looks delicious). Have a great day, Shirleyxx